Solo and Tutti in Spain

Grade Level

Selection: Todos los Años Venimos
Recorded: Valencia City, Spain, August 7, 1952
Performers: Group of Castelló de la Ribera

Activity #1: Form

1. Listen to the recording and then have the students identify that they hear the following: solo male voice, male chorus, baritone horn and clarinet. Show images and discuss the characteristics (timbre) of each. (Baritone horn = brass instrument; clarinet = reed instrument)

2. Listen again, counting the number of times the male solo and tutti (all-together sections) sound.

Q: How many times do the male tutti (singing group) sing? 
A: Three times.
Q: In which language are the men singing?
A: Spanish
Q: In what country do you think they live? 
A: Spain.

Show students where Spain is on a map.

3. Provide a brief translation of the song with description of context. (See liner notes here)

4. Discuss differences between the solo and tutti section of singing.

Q: Does the male chorus sing the same pitches as the solo? 
A: Sometimes.
Q: Do they sing other pitches as well? 
A: Yes, they sing in harmony, too. 

5. Listen again, and notice that the baritone horn begins each instrumental section and the clarinet enters in canon, playing the same melody as the baritone, but starting later. 

6. Listen one last time and count the number of instrumental (A) and vocal (B) passages. Ask if they are the same each time they occur, in order to determine that form of the A and B segments: A B A B A B.

Cultural Link 

Spain: Aragon and Valencia 

Designed by Rita Klinger and Anton Coleman