( Rounder Records )Part of the World Library of Folk & Primitive Music Series
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Recorded 1934–1957 by Tiberiu Alexandru, Alexandru Amzulescu, Ovidiu Bârlea, Contantin Brǎiloiu, Liviu Brumaru, Paula Carp, Gheorghe Ciobanu, Ilarion Cocişiu, Emilia Comişel, Victoria Dosios, C. Enişteanu, Maria Fusteri, Mariana Kahane, Boris Marcu, Elisabeta Moldoveanu, Vasile D. Nicolescu, Constantin Prichici, Adriana Sachelarie, Lucilia Stǎnculeanu, Gheorghe Vancu, and Adrian Vicol
Original notes by Tiberiu Alexandru and A. L. Lloyd
Newly edited and with introduction and notes by Speranţa Rǎdulescu
A panorama of Romanian peasant music recorded from 1934 to 1957, representing all culture areas, musical categories, and historical and regional styles. This historic collection is rich with folk masterpieces interpreted by musicians legendary in their villages. Reissue contains previously unreleased material.
“The organization and the clearly written accompanying material make this CD one of the more accessible examples of the musical genre and could be a good jumping off point for those interested in learning more about the traditional music of other countries.” —Rambles